My Very First Blog Post.   I kept thinking how it needs to be amazing.  Memorable.

Of course you know what came next . . . complete brain freeze.  I decided to begin a blog because I felt I had so much to say and now I can’t think of a thing that seems worthy.

And as soon as I typed THAT, it came right back to me.  Feeling worthy.  My purpose, my goal . . .  it’s simple.  I just want to remind someone that they are worthy!   Worthy of looking and feeling their best.  Worthy of happiness.  Worthy of more joy in their  journey!

I want to share my thoughts and my passions.  I want to give tips and hints on what might make your life better – from fashion (which I absolutely LOVE!) to creating a happy home (which is IMPERATIVE!).




I want to journey together. . . through super sales and buyers remorse, fabulous hair days and make-up fails. Looks of furious fur and summertime seersucker.  Silly Sundays and Terrible Tuesdays –  all the while sharing the ups and downs that life is certain to bring and reminding you along the way to Adjust Your Crown and Keep Going!

I hope you’ll find time to join me! I can’t wait to jump in!!

Pour Your Passion To Find Joy In The Journey!
